General competition rules
These are the rules that apply to all competitions:
- Only submit your own work. In a cooperative effort any of the people involved may submit the final result.
- If you submit something, you have to be present at the party. No Exceptions.
- Entries which we cannot be run on the compo machines will be disqualified. To prevent this you can ask us to test your production on the compo machines. Do this timely and you will even have time to fix any problems that might pop up.
- Racism, child pornography, and any kind of content that violates german law will be disqualified. Period.
- Entries have to be free of third party rights unless you have a legal license to use the given content. This means no ripped music, no movie snippets, no closeups of trademarked logos, etc. Violations will result in immediate disqualification. If you are unsure what exactly is allowed and what isn't, please have a look at the copyright page.
- We have the right not to show your production on the bigscreen if we think them to be total crap or detestable, even in competitions without preselection. This does not disqualify your production and you can still vote for it. Please save yourself from having freedom of speech discussion - you can ofcourse say what you want, but you certainly cannot force us to help you with it.
- All shown entries will be spread. We will do our best to make them available in release packs on our compo server directly after the competition was held.
- We have the right to skip parts in demos during the competitions, especially scroller parts and endscrollers. This to keep the total compo running time down and keep it interesting. People interested in reading the full scrolltext can watch it on their own.
- If there are less than three entries for a compo, the given compo will either be cancelled or combined with another compo, with your permission. Should the compo be cancelled your productions won't be spread, so you can release them elsewhere.
- Compo entries, whole or in part, may not have been released before. Please contact the compo organizers in advance if you have any doubts. Pure rips or copies will be kicked from the competition without further notice.
- Pure animations are not accepted, except in the Animation/Video competition.
- As we are uploading the release archives to the Scene.Org servers during and imediately after the party, please keep your archives clean and logical. We do not have the time to re-pack every release so don't blame us when your release archive on Scene.Org looks crappy.